Monthly Archives: April 2013
Dean23 Apr 20135448So things have been pretty quiet lately with Robot Entertainment. Never fear, this is to be expected from a relatively small studio when they are between games. Silence never means nothing is happening, quite the opposite it fact – it means they are hard at work on new games!
However in amongst working on new games the Robot’s are also working hard to being Hero Academy to Android. Porting the game to Android has long been mooted and was one of the things asked by the community in the REF Six things for SixOkay. Today however a few days ago on the RE.com forums LeWZ wrote:
So please, RE, PLEASE, port it to android. I’m sure a whole LOT of people will buy it, even though a bunch might just get it illegally and overload your servers, things will eventually settle down and your fan base will be doubled or even tripled guaranteed!
Community Manager, Justin “SixOkay” Korthof has today responded with some good news for budding Hero Academy fans:
We are. We’re just having to do a lot of squashing of bugs and the like to make sure that it works with all of the different systems (different store, wide variety of devices, etc). Honestly, you can blame me for the silence. I don’t want to go announcing anything specific until we know for sure what’s happening and when. But take heart – the testers sitting at the next desk over from mine are digging through it and talking about the build as I type this. As we said before, if we have to make the decision to not pursue the Android version, we will for sure let everyone know. If we’re quiet? Well, in this case, the silence means we’re still moving ahead. I’m sure it’s frustrating not to have any real updates, but I really do appreciate your patience. We want to get it out to you as soon as we can, but we also want it to meet the quality standards that we held the game to on previous platforms.
It looks like great news indeed for all those Android owners out there. Keep your ears to the ground as a Hero Academy for Android announcement might not be too long away now. As always, shipping a quality product is high on Robot’s to-do list, so there is a chance that if the Android version doesnt meet the standards required it might not be do-able. Hopefully though the talented bots will find a way.