Age Community 8 years awards – nominate now, win prizes!
Dean26 Nov 20135898Next month Age Community will be closing after 8 years. It’s been a great 8 years and Age Community has progressed a lot since its inception. Unfortunately Microsoft has decided that change is a-foot and we’ll no longer be able to use the Age Community forum by mid next month.
Now is the time to celebrate all of the great years we’ve had on Age Community. Thus here we present the Age Community 8 years awards! Having teamed up with Robot Entertainment we’ve got some great prizes to award to members of the community to give Age Community the send off it deserves.
We have autographed copies of the Age 3 and AOM, autographed art books, making of DVDs and even an original 43″ x 27″ Age of Empires poster by Craig Mullins.
Here are the categories for which you can nominate people for a prize. What better Christmas present than some autographed Age of Empires goodies?
- Grand Prize – Best Overall Member
- Most Helpful Member
- Funniest Member
- Member with the best strategies
- Best Age 3 video / recorded game
- Best Age of Empires 3 meme (winning meme will be chosen by Aloysius!)
There are lots of ways to win with each category above having a first and second prize tier. Find out more about the tiers and all the prizes. The Grand Prize goes to the person who wins “Best overall member”. You can’t nominate yourself, but you can nominate someone for more than one category.
PLUS! Those who take the time just to nominate someone are also in for a chance to win some exclusive autographed copies of Age of Empires 3 by the developers! We have 10 autographed Age 3 copies to give away to 10 lucky people who just take the time to nominate using the link below!
Please take the time to follow the link above and nominate members or upload links to your meme / Videos. Lets celebrate the great 8 years of Age Community. Lots of chances to win prizes in this great competition with prizes provided by Robot Entertainment. A huge thank-you to Robot!