Monthly Archives: December 2013
Dean17 Dec 20136005Hot on the heels of the Humble Jumbo Bundle which featured Orcs Must Die 2, the next Humble Bundle now features another Robot Entertainment game, this time its strategy game Hero Academy. Traditionally Humble Bundle offers games which are multi-platform and DRM free. Hero Academy has been available on Android and PC via Steam. To make things fit better with Humble, Robot have released for the first time a DRM free PC version and a Linux version.
If you already have Hero Academy here is a great reason why you might want to check this out. Buying Hero Academy via the bundle gets you the Gold Pack with all the downloadable content including:
- Challenge Pack
- Dark Elves Pack
- Dwarves Pack
- Shaolin Team Pack
- Tribe Pack
- Uniform Colors
- Additional Team Fortress 2 content (only available via Steam)
So if you are missing something in your repertoire this is a great way to get it!Supporting the Humble Bundle is also a fantastic way of giving to charity. I encourage everyone to check out the Humble Bundle website.
Just a heads up if you choose to download the DRM free version of Hero Academy you will need redeem your code on the classic Robot website. Details of how to do this can be found here:
How to register and download the DRM free version of Hero Academy from the Humble Bundle.
Dean10 Dec 20135971Super thanks to everyone who voted in the Age Community awards. Plenty of nominations were received to celebrate the 8 years of Age Community and its iconic members. It is a great shame to see Age Community close after all these years, these awards celebrate the good times and the contributions of these sterling members.
Although we asked for nominations for the awards we have decided to go straight to announcing the winners. There we some clear winners for the top categories as can be found on the detailed results page. I hope we can all agree that these wins are well deserved!
Below you can find the first and second winners for each category. Head over to the prize breakdown to see what these distinguished members have won! Remember if you took part in the nomination process, you too may have won a prize! Check out the nominator winners section and see!
GRAND PRIZE – Best Overall Member
1st Prize – Metis
Most Helpful member
1st Prize – musketeer925
2nd Prize – Metis / Augustiello *
Metis came in 2nd here, but as he is also the winner of the Grand Prize I have brought Augustiello forward from 3rd place to collect the prizes.
Funniest Member
1st Prize – Milky__
2nd Prize – cam44
Best Strategies
1st Prize – gs
2nd Prize – TacticalWillie
Best Age 3 Video / Recorded Game
1st Prize – gs / Interjection *
2nd Prize – BTM
gs came in 1st here, but as he is also the winner of the Best Strategy prize I have brought Interjection forward from 2nd place and BTM from 3rd place to collect the prize.Best Age of Empires images
Winners chosen by Aloysius!
1st Prize – PixelPanda’s entry
2nd Place – Angus Grant’s entry
- Congratulations!
Age Community Awards – Nominator Prizes
There were 10 prizes to be given away to 10 lucky people who took the time to nominate in the Age Community awards. Here are the lucky winners! If you are on the list look out for a PM on Age Community for instructions! No PM? Just let us know.
- Luckey2330
- Flygonex612
- Magnam
- S3K
- Amsinator
- Dcdonnie
- Thatrabbi
- Oasisl2
- Jerom
- Ivan
Finally, thanks everyone for these 8 years on Age Community. Its been a blast!
Dean03 Dec 20135959Orcs Must Die 2 has been featured as a downloadable game in the most recent Humble Jumbo Bundle. In case you are not in the know, Humble Bundles are where you can pay whatever you want and receive games. You can also control who gets what share of your money – you can customize the split between charity, developers and Humble Inc. To get OMD2 all you need to do is pay more than the current average shown on the Humble Jumbo Bundle website.
The bundle lasts for 14 days and it is a great way to send money to charity in return for games. Check it out on the website:
Dean02 Dec 20135951New echoes and gear awaits Echo Prime fans who have been keenly tapping away at saving the universe! Robot has now released a free update to Echo Prime 1.1 which adds four whole new echoes plus new gear for higher level players.
In addition to the above you can now help out a friend by selecting specific Echoes from your friends’ collections as you prepare to go into battle. You will also now receive an extra bonus if your Echoes are borrowed while you’re actively playing the game.
Higher level players can also enjoy the new “contest” levels which feature and endless swarm of enemies. Thats some serious finger tapping right there! You will be rewarded though with some awesome unique gear depending on how long you can face off the enemy waves!
There’s no better time to check out Echo Prime on the iOS store!