• Monthly Archives: December 2015

    OMDU closed beta open all hours this holiday season

    Good news for those who are part of the Orcs Must Die! Unchained closed beta. The testing hours have been opened up to 24×7 all Christmas holiday season giving you a chance to check out all the great new features that came with patch 2.6, including the new PvE map “Surrounded”.

    North America

    Not only are the servers available 24×7 in NA, there will also be 10 guest heroes available too. Spend your holidays with Hogarth, Blackpaw, Ivy, Midnight, Oziel, Maximilian, Stinkeye, Gabby, Dobbin and Zoe.


    In Europe all heroes will be available with just one exception, Oziel will not be available. In addition there will be an Iron Chestnado starting from 23rd December which means the drop chance of Iron Chests will be increased.

    Happy Holidays!

    Patch 2.6 for Orcs Must Die! Unchained is LIVE!

    Patch 2.6 for Orcs Must Die! Unchained is now Live for both North America and Europe regions. Hop on in and check out the new features such as:

    • The brand new survival map “Surrounded” built exclusively for PvE with the OMD2 feel.
    • New Potions and Scrolls and Crafting!
    • New objectives for Unchained Fortress!

    And LOTS more! Check out the full patch notes if you haven’t all ready, or if you prefer video format check out the Insider Access video below with Doug Houserman talking all about patch 2.6.  See you in-game!

    Rimmon’s visit to Gameforge

    If you happened to watch the Super Special Live Stream event on the Orcs Must Die! EU twitch channel which took place a few weeks ago, you would have seen a special guest! Indeed, Rimmon from the OMDU EU community made a guest appearance having been invited to Gameforge HQ for 3 days by FaTeReLLa to talk OMDU with the Gameforge team.

    Rimmon has been a strong influencer in the OMDU EU community. We interviewed him earlier in the year as part of our Fan Friday series where he was working with Muchcoffee on Atypical Neurons, a fan site for OMDU bursting with detailed information about heroes, traps gear and minions.

    Having been invited to Gameforge HQ Rimmon has taken to the forums to blog about his experience, which had quite an interesting start with trouble with cancelled flights. It was all worth it in the end though and Rimmon got a sneak peak of what is coming up for OMDU and patch 2.6 and beyond, as well as meeting and greeting the excellent Gameforge crew who look after the OMDU EU community. Rimmon had a great time playing plenty of games with the Gameforge team on and off stream and has left with an even greater positive vibe, writing on his report:

    As I left Karlsruhe I did so with renewed motivation, and fresh ideas. I hope that I’ll stay with this community as it grows, and I will of course continue trying to support, and benefit you guys in some way. I’ve been trying out Guide Writing, Fan Site, Videos, and Streaming, in the end I’ll spend my time on what I enjoy the most, be sure that whatever I do I’ll find a way to contribute to the community.


    Be sure to check out Rimmon’s full report over on the OMDU EU forums using the link below. You can also check out the stream from the special event below too.
