Hero Academy – Robot Entertainment Fans
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Unfortunately it has been announced today that online play for the original Hero Academy, Hero Academy 2 and Orcs Must Die! Unchained will be ceasing later this year, on April 8th 2019. The population of players on these games has … Continue readingPosted: January 7, 2019, 8:28 pmHappy launch day! Today sees the worldwide release of Hero Academy 2, the follow up to the 2011 hit original tactics game. Hero Academy 2 is available from today on Android, iOS for mainstream release but also available on Windows … Continue readingPosted: January 16, 2018, 11:48 pmHero Academy fans rejoice! The turn based tactics game which proved very popular when it launched in early 2012 is set to get its sequel! The original marked Robot Entertainment’s first mobile game and was not only a hit with players but … Continue readingPosted: March 20, 2017, 11:30 pmHave you been following closely on Facebook and Twitter? If so you may have spotted some very interesting new “Ask Me Anything” features on Reddit. Known as AMA’s players have been asking questions directly to the bots at the studio. … Continue readingPosted: March 31, 2016, 4:16 pmThe bots at Robot central are on the cusp of releasing two new patches shortly. The patch 1.7 for the closed beta of Orcs Must Die! Unchained, but also the iOS8 patch for Robot’s popular mobile strategy game, Hero Academy. … Continue readingPosted: November 16, 2014, 6:25 pmGood news Hero Academy fans, Robot have deployed one of their bots to take a look at Hero Academy compatibility on iOS 8. While the game seems to work fine in the most part some users have reported issues with … Continue readingPosted: October 13, 2014, 9:29 pmFollowing on from our first part of Robot’s PAX Panel review we now move on from looking at the studios history to present day to looking at some of the interesting prototypes they have been working on in-between OMD2 and OMDU. … Continue readingPosted: September 7, 2014, 2:51 pmSome of the bots from Robot Entertainment have been hanging out at PAX Prime this weekend, hosting their very own PAX panel titled “An afternoon of fun with Robot Entertainment”. In our first part of our two part series we … Continue readingPosted: August 31, 2014, 12:31 pmFollowing up on the recent Six Questions feature we have put the most common themes to SixOkay, Robot’s Community Manager to answer your burning questions. Without further ado here are some answers to your questions: 1. Will Hero Academy have … Continue readingPosted: March 14, 2014, 10:05 pmHot on the heels of the Humble Jumbo Bundle which featured Orcs Must Die 2, the next Humble Bundle now features another Robot Entertainment game, this time its strategy game Hero Academy. Traditionally Humble Bundle offers games which are multi-platform … Continue readingPosted: December 17, 2013, 9:02 pmIt may have been a long time coming but Robot Entertainment have today soft launched Hero Academy on Android devices! This is obviously fantastic news for those with Android devices who have eagerly been awaiting to play the game on … Continue readingPosted: October 10, 2013, 8:51 pmGreat news for Hero Academy players using Apple’s latest and greatest iOS 7 on their iPhones and iPads. Robot Entertainment has just released their latest update for Hero Academy that fixes issues that some players experienced having updated to iOS … Continue readingPosted: October 7, 2013, 7:10 pmHey Robot Fans, this is Elagatua. I’ve been a top ranked player in the league for the past few months, and I’ve noticed the difficulty and effort required to make awesome Hero Academy content. I’d been toying around with the … Continue readingPosted: June 24, 2013, 4:06 pmSo things have been pretty quiet lately with Robot Entertainment. Never fear, this is to be expected from a relatively small studio when they are between games. Silence never means nothing is happening, quite the opposite it fact – it means they … Continue readingPosted: April 23, 2013, 8:37 pmWhen designing this team, I wanted to make them feel new and familiar at the same time. To accomplish this, I stayed with the 4 units/1 super unit concept and tried not to add too many new mechanics so as … Continue readingPosted: March 27, 2013, 8:51 pmI’m not much different than any other gamer out there. I love playing games of all kinds and sharing my experiences with friends. I’m also fairly creative and love trying new things. When I got my game design degree at … Continue readingPosted: February 10, 2013, 12:05 pmCongratulations to all the team at Robot Entertainment as Hero Academy wins the “Best Mobile Game” at the 16th annual DICE awards. This is a prestigious awards for developers and Robot Entertainment was up against 3 other games in the mobile category … Continue readingPosted: February 9, 2013, 1:00 pmThe latest update for Hero Academy has now gone live across both Steam and iOS devices. The update is no great surprise and many of the changes have been announced previously. Now that the update is live though we can now read … Continue readingPosted: February 5, 2013, 7:19 pmRobot Entertainment have posted on their Facebook and Twitter sites that the latest update for Hero Academy has now been sent to Apple for approval. Following approval the game changes will be made live. Be on the look-out for a … Continue readingPosted: January 25, 2013, 7:57 pmRobot Entertainment have announced the next set of balance changes that will soon be going live on Hero Academy once the new version is approved by Apple. The upcoming changes are as follows: Paladin nerfed Heavy nerfed Sniper nerfed Monk … Continue readingPosted: January 16, 2013, 6:29 pmGood news for Mac users, thanks to Steam Play it is now possible to play Hero Academy on both PC and Mac! All you need to do is open Steam on your Mac and you should find the option to … Continue readingPosted: December 12, 2012, 12:51 pmThe REF Hero Academy League now has over 1000 members! Today we welcomed FlexMasterT as our 1000th member. Congratulations and welcome! The Hero Academy League allows players to pitch battles against each other and record their wins/losses on our leaderboard system. … Continue readingPosted: November 25, 2012, 7:10 pmIn our last poll we asked Whats your favourite Hero Academy Team? The votes are in and we can reveal that the Dark Elves managed to claim victory with 32% of the votes. Trailing last was (my personal favourite) the Council with just … Continue readingPosted: November 19, 2012, 7:00 pmAfter a brief period of downtime on the Hero Academy server for the last few hours, everything is back up and running but now with an added bonus – the launch of the Shaolin Team! Not only is there this … Continue readingPosted: November 14, 2012, 10:04 pmRobot Entertainment have today revealed the next team to enter the fray in Hero Academy – The Shaolin! This is a brand new team focusing on combos and some interesting new bonus characteristics For every turn a unique unit does damage … Continue readingPosted: October 22, 2012, 7:46 pmThere are only two days left for voting in the Golden Joystick awards, so if you haven’t already dont forget to vote for Hero Academy in the “Best Mobile / Tablet” category. The Golden Joystick awards are widely recognised in the industry … Continue readingPosted: October 20, 2012, 4:52 pmHero Academy fans may remember that back in late June this year Robot Entertainment announced that it was partnering with YoDo1, a Chinese video game studio, in order to bring Hero Academy to the mass Chinese market. Hero Academy has … Continue readingPosted: September 20, 2012, 2:20 pmHero Academy players may have found they have had some difficulty playing some of their existing games over the past few days. Unfortunately Robot Entertainment have been having some technical issues on the server side which has resulted in the corruption of … Continue readingPosted: September 12, 2012, 9:02 pmWhen I started getting more into Hero Academy and playing several games at once, I found it difficult to keep track of what was going on in each game (especially if some opponents were playing “Take All Week Academy”). I … Continue readingPosted: August 28, 2012, 9:04 pmThose of you who read the official Hero Academy forum have probably seen me posting there often, and in particular, may have seen the guides I’d post whenever a new race was released. With each new race I’d test each … Continue readingPosted: August 16, 2012, 10:15 pmAvid Hero Academy fans will probably have realised that Hero Academy didnt go live on Steam last night as expected. The question on many of fans minds will be why? Luckily REF are here to shine some light on the … Continue readingPosted: August 9, 2012, 8:17 pmWelcome to all joining us after discovering Hero Academy on Steam. The League is a fan run league that has a strong relationship with Robot, but is not officially sponsored by Robot Entertainment. The League is over 5 months old, … Continue readingPosted: August 7, 2012, 8:12 pmWant to win a cool collectors item from the Robot Team at RTX 2012? After all of the fun and interviews, the Robot team was kind enough to autograph a couple of my media credentials. The Pass was signed … Continue readingPosted: July 13, 2012, 2:55 amRobot Fans interviews Justin Korthof about Orcs Must Die 2 and Hero Academy on Steam. Kenny tries to bribe Justin with comic books for more information about the TF2 team that will be released August 8th.Posted: July 10, 2012, 11:22 pmWe were able to catch up with the Robot Team at RTX 2012. We have a series of interviews to be released over the next few days. Here is a first look at Hero Academy :TF2 team in action.Posted: July 10, 2012, 3:50 pmEven Mario stopped by to play the new TF2 Team for Hero Academy and Orcs Must Die 2. More pics and videos one the way!Posted: July 7, 2012, 10:10 pmKeep your eyes open for exclusive interviews and footage next week from Robot Fans. We will be getting video footage of Orcs Must Die 2 and the upcoming Steam version of Hero Academy at RTX in Austin, Texas. If fans have any … Continue readingPosted: July 1, 2012, 4:09 amRobot Entertainment has announced that their critically acclaimed mobile strategy game, Hero Academy, is coming to Steam on August 8, 2012. Players who purchase the game on Steam will unlock an exclusive new heroic team featuring the mercenaries from Valve … Continue readingPosted: June 30, 2012, 3:01 amStatements earlier this week revealed that Robot Entertainment is working to expand into the Chinese mobile market. In a statement to venturebeat.com, Robot Entertainment CEO Patrick Hudson said the following. “By adapting the game for Chinese players, we can deliver … Continue readingPosted: June 30, 2012, 2:30 amRobot Entertainment has today released their latest update to Hero Academy, version 1.2.3. This update brings an exciting set of single player missions to the table called “Challenges”. For the first time players can now play through single player challenges … Continue readingPosted: June 28, 2012, 6:53 pmJason McIntosh of Orangepeel Softworks has a released a new Hero Academy move tracker. This particular tracker runs on the iPhone or iPad as a standalone app. Whilst the app isnt able to record events as they happen it does … Continue readingPosted: June 22, 2012, 9:41 pm@skeletonmaster ‘s 16 Player Tournament with some Hero Academy League players is now under way. Keep an eye on the developments as all the action unfolds below! Who will win?Posted: May 28, 2012, 9:58 pmRobot Community Manager Justin “SixOkay” Korthof has popped up on the gaming podcast website Seven Day Cooldown. The hour long interview with Adam Crichton talks about a ton of stuff from both Orcs Must Die! and Hero Academy. The podcast includes … Continue readingPosted: May 18, 2012, 11:45 pmRobot Entertainment have announced the availability the Hero Academy 1.2.2 update which is going live on the Apple servers in just a couple of hours. The list of changes can be found below. The update is not mandatory so you … Continue readingPosted: May 11, 2012, 6:39 pmIts hotting up in the Hero Academy League! Today marks the beginnings of an East vs West competition! Players will be able to join either the East or West team depending on their location in the USA. European players are … Continue readingPosted: April 21, 2012, 12:32 pmThe Hero Academy Professor blog is my second attempt at creating a guide to competitive gameplay within the Hero Academy community. This blog will, over time, feature in-depth guides to each unit, race, map, spell – everything you can ask … Continue readingPosted: April 14, 2012, 7:02 pmRobot Entertainment released new Hero Academy information today via SixOkay’s front page blog. Click here to read the full post and get the latest scoop.Posted: March 28, 2012, 4:56 pmIt starts out like a bad joke. What do you get when you take four longtime friends and put one each in business school, law school, a math doctoral program, and Hogwarts for computer science? Answer: Very intensely contentious debates … Continue readingPosted: March 27, 2012, 9:33 pmMake sure you put April 6th in your calendar as a special day to keep an eye out for Robot Entertainment news. The studio will once again be heading up to PAX East in Boston. In the past, PAX has … Continue readingPosted: March 12, 2012, 5:20 pmThe Dwarves have been out for a week, and the aftershocks are beginning to settle down. Any jolts you feel now are likely the explosive attacks of a grenadier, or the dreaded annihilator. After a week of grenades, rockets, shotguns, … Continue readingPosted: March 1, 2012, 9:52 pm
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