Tag Archives: Nananea
Some excellent community news has been announced by SixOkay over on the OMDU forums. Robot have hired Nananea to spearhead Twitch streams going forward and I am sure you will agree that this is fantastic news. Quoting SixOkay from the announcement post:
I’m excited to announce that we’ve hired Nananea to spearhead our efforts over on Twitch. Starting next week, we’re going to have a ton more streams, including new shows and new opportunities to interact with the game and the developers at Robot Entertainment. We’ll be announcing the new schedule very soon, and we’ll be back on the air before you know it.
Nananea has been dedicated to OMDU with her community stream every Thursday and has also created those awesome hero and how to play videos that you can see on the OMDU dashboard.
I’m sure all fans will be congratulating Nananea on this excellent appointment. Be sure to check out the thread over on the forums and expect more Twitch streaming coming soon!
Last week Robot Entertainment briefly switched on the new three lane map for Unchained. The map was online for alpha players for only a short period as a quick preview of what was to come. While the map is sure to be back soon it has currently been taken offline for further development.
If you missed out on it and what an idea of what the three lane map is like, never fear because Nananea comes to the rescue capturing game-play video of the new map on her YouTube channel. Take a look at the video below to see Nananea play the three lane map with other alpha players and some of the bots. You’ll also get to see footage of Blackpaw and Midnight.
A new patch has been uploaded today for Unchained alpha testers. This patch introduces a key OMDU feature – deck building! This is no doubt something that the early-access community has been excited about for some time. Players can now build their own custom decks to take into battle. Players can create decks based on traps, minions, glyphs and weavers. It looks like this:
(Click to enlarge)
Even in its first alpha released form the deck builder is very simple and easy to use. Players just click on the cards they want to use and they are added to the deck which can be seen towards the top of the screen. Players can mix and match between the Order and the Unchained when it comes to minions with plenty of diverse choices available. Captions for minions are complete with OMD humour!
(Click to enlarge)
The deck building system allows players to have a number of pre-set decks so that players can choose the deck they want to take into battle at the character selection screen. The system is looking brilliant so far and will only get better as development progresses. We’ll be taking a look at some of these cards in the coming weeks here on REF.
In the meanwhile to get a glimpse of the deck builder in action be sure to check out the community twitch stream tonight at 7PM CT (convert your timezone) over at http://www.twitch.tv/orcsmustdie. Nananea and SixOkay will be on hand to demonstrate the system and answer questions in the Twitch chat. See you there!
Those twitching for more OMDU streaming should prepare themselves for Nananea’s Orcs Must Die! Unchained Community Stream taking place in just under an hours time. The stream will be focussing on the War Mage gameplay.
If you haven’t picked up your Unchained instant access yet then you’ll want to check out the giveaway that Juiced Gaming are doing. Curotesy of JuiceBags they have three instant access keys to be given away at Midnight PST on April 29th. To enter just head over to the link below. Good luck!
Many fans joined SixOkay, Nananea and a number of bots in todays “The War Mage” stream. Two great games were played showing all of the War Mage’s capabilities who was expertly played by Mastermind (Justin Moe). If you missed out on the stream be sure to replay the stream on the Twitch channel. Its always a good idea to catch the stream live where you can as there is plenty of chat Q&A that goes on. On this occasion designer Jerome “Bugs911” Jones was in the chat helping to answer fan questions.
So what did we learn about the War Mage in this stream? Lets dig into the details:
- The War Mage brings his trusty crossbow into the action as in previous OMD games. The left click shoots energy while the right click allows him to stun others with a reasonable area of effect.
- His primary ability is called “Trust Me” which protects friendly units against traps allowing them to pass through enemy traps safely. Meanwhile it also affects enemy units who become more vulnerable to friendly traps.
- The secondary ability is used to target other heroes or minions and damage done to the War Mage will instead be transferred to the targeted unit. Sneaky.
- His stats make him a great choice for defending.
- Other than that he is the same old trusty War Mage, complete with witty remarks!
In other news..
Moltenink has shared some awesome art on Twitter today. Moltenink is a digital animator who happens to be an OMDU alpha tester and shared this brilliant OMD inspired piece.
You can find out more about Moltenink at his website to see more of his art for other games and comics. http://www.moltenink.com/
Introducing the new “Spotlight on” posts here at REF. This is a new feature where we will be interviewing some of the Orcs Must Die! community over the next few months. This is to help introduce newcomers to some of the key people in the OMD community. We’ll also be interviewing community staff as well.
What better way to start of this brand new feature no other than with Orcs Must Die!’s premier community video producer, modder and streamer – Nananea! Anyone who has been following the OMD community will surely be aware of Nananea’s fantastic contribution to the community. Infact, Nananea’s Hawkeye Archers were voted the best OMD2 steam workshop mod right here on REF! In light of her hard work Robot went on to create a new skin for the Sorceress in OMD2 the “Skull Ninja” in her honour!
So what can we learn about the mystery behind the skull ninja herself? The spotlights on as we ask some questions to learn more!
The Basics
Name: – Anonymous
Home Town: Kansas City, Missouri USA
- Can you tell us a little about your username? Why Nananea?
Nananea was my first MMO user name, coming mainly from the EverQuest random name generator. It spit out Nanana and I added the E. The rest is history!
- OMD modder, streamer and video producer by night, but what about by day? Can you tell us a bit about your day job?
Up until recently, I was all of those by day as well. I stopped producing videos for YouTube in March and have moved on to a “day job” where I do SEO (search engine optimization) contract work. It let’s me stay at home, make okay money, and indulge in music while I work.
- Aside from Orcs Must Die! What other games do you enjoy playing?
I really love all kinds of games. A younger me especially enjoyed the RPGs from the SNES era but more and more I find myself enjoying action beat’em up games. There is just something visceral about slashing bad guys into multiple pieces as a super powered hero.
- Whats your favourite music?
Another one of those “all kinds”. I guess I’m starting to get older because a lot of new music doesn’t make sense to me lyrically…but I can still enjoy the beats from most. I love upbeat, poppy songs that sound fun and cheery, dance music that you can’t help but get up and move to, or real hard driving rock (like in Orcs Must Die!).
- Favourite TV show?
“Scrubs”, hands down. It was cancelled years ago but it still makes me smile every time I watch it. In production still? “Psych”. It has the same feeling to me as “Scrubs” did, but a little less magic.
- Favourite food?
Pizza. I can’t help it! It’s such an amazing, all encompassing food! Used to be purely pepperoni but have moved towards a more “supreme” vibe lately.
- How did you discover Orcs Must Die! ?
Orcs Must Die! was one of the first free games given away by Machinima Realm to it’s directors IF they did videos on it. I hadn’t heard anything about it before, but FREE GAMES right? I went to Steam, watched the videos for it and knew instantly that I was going to love it…and I did! I spent so much time on it that I had to ask the guys over at Realm if they wanted Nightmare videos instead of just the first level on normal, because I knew most people would be doing that. They said, “yes” and that was that.
- Of all the Steam workshop mods for OMD2 you have crafted – which is your favourite?
I still love Hawkeye Archers the most. The versatility and time I put into them, searching files for particles, changing the textures slightly, thinking of cool things to give them…yeah definitely Hawkeye Archers. My next in line would be Fryedegg’s Kindling Creator because it’s just so fun. Constant “spin to win” and it drops baby coins when you hit stuff? Just too funny!
- Best OMD moment so far?
It’s really easy for me to say, “Having the Skull Ninja skin made in my honor!” but that’s really my “Best Gaming Moment of All Time”…Gameplay wise in OMD it was NOT being able to 5 skull Chilled Caverns on Nightmare without a barricade trick. I spent hours and hours trying different strategies to perfect and I got VERY close a few times…but never finished. Once Stabby Narwhal posted that he had done it, I gave up and moved on. It was pretty humbling but it was my favorite because it told me that Robot was listening to us as a community and giving us very hard levels like we wanted.
- What excites you most about Unchained?
Playing with multiple friends! One thing I had to shy away from in OMD!2 was inviting tons of people onto my Steam friend list because there was a cap and I didn’t want to have a lot of people I didn’t know on there. Unchained will let me queue up and meet tons of new people that love the franchise as much as I do, all while playing with my friends!
Shout out
- Is there anything you would like to say to all the OMD fans out there right now?
Get excited about Orcs Must Die! Unchained! Don’t listen to the people just glancing at it and saying, “Oh, it’s a free-to-play MOBA”! This is Orcs Must Die! in overdrive! Have faith in Robot; they know what they are doing with the free-to-play model! Everything will come together soon!
Thanks for your time Nananea! Who should we interview next? If you have someone in mind you would like to find out more about drop us a message in the comments box below!
Be sure to tune in to the Orcs Must Die! Twitch channel tonight at 10PM EST (2AM GMT) to see video streaming extraordinaires Nananea and SixOkay discuss and demonstrate OMDU alpha gameplay.
Its all happening over at: http://www.twitch.tv/orcsmustdie – Don’t miss out! If you do, don’t worry it will be available to play again shortly afterwards. The previous PAX East demo stream is currently available to re-play if you missed it: