Tag Archives: Patch

Happy patch day, heroes! BonusXP and Robot Entertainment have released a new patch for Hero Academy 2, bringing not only some balance changes to cards but also some brand new cards in the form of new Vermin weapon cards. Fancy 50% dodge or veil? Equip one of these new weapons!
- Skitter Skulls – On Equip: Gain Dodge 50%.
- Gut Opener – +1 Damage, Deal +2 Damage to Heroes with 3 or more Attack.
- Talked-Too-Much – +2 Damage, Heal 1 Health at the End of Turn.
- Calamity’s Candle – +1 Damage, Draw a random Spell from your Discard pile.
- Snapback Shot – +1 Damage, Eulogy: Add a Snapback Shot to your hand.
- Unfortunate Soul – +1 Damage, On Equip: Veil.
There are two new challenge packs now available as well to test your wits, themed around these new weapons.
In other news, in response to player feedback the mandatory tutorial has been re-tuned to be much shorter, helping players get into games quicker.
There are quite a few balance changes for each faction. You can review the full patch notes on the Hero Academy website, link below.

Patch 2.2 for Orcs Must Die! Unchained is just around the corner, landing June 20th. This new patch will bring a brand new mode to the Survival gameplay – Chaos Trials. What is this and how does this work, you ask? Well as players are playing OMDU in the Survival, Sabotage, Endless, and Weekly Challenges they will now have a chance of chaos key being dropped. These keys can then be used to enter a chaos trial challenge.
Each key will have an assigned difficulty level (Apprentice, War Mage, Master, and Rift Lord) granting them access to that level of trial. However, these keys will additionally have ‘modifiers’ attached. These modifiers alter the gameplay in certain ways. For instance there might be “No health potion drops”, “More mana potion drops”, “More expensive floor traps” just as an example. These interesting modifiers will mean players will have to think carefully about the hero and set up they will be bringing to the match.
Like other modes, Chaos Trials can be played with 1-3 players. Winning a chaos trial will cause the key to be upgraded so that players can move on to the next trial which will have a new set of modifiers. Each key only have three lives, so be careful and losing all your lives means you will need to find a new key to restart the trials. However, completing as many chaos trials as possible will yield better rewards.
Chaos Trials are looking to be a new interesting way to play OMDU with great rewards. Chaos Trials are not the only thing of course coming to OMDU in patch 2.2. There is also a raft of balance changes and fixes and additional new features including….
New Mercenary – The iMage
The iMage is a new mage merc who has the unique ability of splitting into multiple variations: Arcane, Fire, Frost, and Lightning. Each mage packs a punch with its own unique elemental ranged attack. However, only one of these mages is the real mage. Destroying the real mage will cause the others to be eliminated – but which one is the real iMage?
Full Screen Dash
The first iteration of the long requested full screen dashboard will be available in this patch. There are additional future improvements coming in the future to make the dashboard more suitable for full screen. However, for now it will be possible to make the dash full screen and it will scale appropriately. There is also a redesigned play screen for selecting matches and modes.
The Academy Sewers map is now available for play in Sabotage and there are new consumables with the Polymorph Chicken sounding particularly amusing:
- Polymorph Chicken: select one enemy hero and turn him or her into a chicken.
- Immolation Staff: places a staff on the enemy team’s battleground that damages barricades, decoys, and summoner trap retainers.
- Armored Giants: Summons a medium-sized army of armored giants.
Full Patch notes
The above is of course just a taster of the main changes coming in patch 2.2. To delve in to all the balances changes, fixes and small improvements check out the full patch notes on the official website on the link below. This patch will be landing June 20th – see you in game!
Full patch notes:

The all mighty update to Orcs Must Die! Unchained is now only a few days away. The servers are currently offline as Robot Entertainment prepares for the upcoming release due to land on December 6th. This update will see the removal of the siege mode and the focus now on the survival gameplay bringing things feeling more like OMD 1 and OMD 2. The studio has been listening carefully to player feedback and this release will demonstrate some of that feedback being addressed. Recently on social media the following graphics have been testament to some of that player feedback being listened to and actioned in this soon to be released patch.
Patch Notes
The patch notes are now also available for your leisurely reading. As you can imagine these are some seriously lengthy patch notes! Chris Rippy, VP of Production at Robot Entertainment also provides us with a a covering note to summarize the changes coming up.
This update is HUGE. If you’ve been following our progress, then you know that this update introduces massive changes to the game. We have removed our Siege PvP mode. As much as we loved it within the walls of Robot (and that love was definitely shared by a segment of our players), Siege mode was just not raising the bar for fun in Orcs Must Die! Unchained as we had hoped it would. By removing this mode, we’re able to fully focus on bringing back the classic Orcs Must Die gameplay that players thought was missing in OMD!U.
At Robot, we are really proud of the new version of Orcs Must Die! Unchained that you’re about to play. From the newly overhauled moment-to-moment action and trap strategy to item collection and player progression, the changes should be immediately obvious to you.
With these changes, we’ve tried to bring back that OMD feeling. With that said, our players are our best judges of our success, and as always, we want to hear from you. What do you like? What do you feel still needs improvement? Give the new update a go and let us know what you think!
A note about accounts, resets and refunds
Before diving into the patch notes it is important to remember there is an account reset with this update. With so many changes to the whole game, it is understandable that resetting accounts was the only option and that player progress simply could not be converted into the new meta.
If you are an existing OMDU Open Beta player and you had a balance of coin from either founders packs or purchases made, or if you have acquired any promotional items we encourage you to read through the forum post detailing what will happen with your account in terms of reimbursement. You can read the full details here: The Reset and You. In all cases players will end up with MORE gold value than they would have had originally with 50% additional gold for these purchases in both regions (NA and EU).
Onto the good stuff
The full patch notes are available at: https://forums.orcsmustdie.com/discussion/11657/patch-notes-release-1-6
You can read about all the hero changes that are being made to make sure every hero is aligned to work well in Survival. Plus a look at some of the new maps. There are 10 new maps in total to keep us busy in this release. Including the return of some fan favorites including:
Otherwise known as “Corridors” from OMD2. Now looking even better and more fiery in OMDU.

A classic map for sure, look closely and you will see that this map harks back to both OMD1 and OMD2. This time the tower is floating high in the sky.
Go go go!
There is so much to check out and read on the patch notes. Sit back, and head over to the full patch notes to get fully up to speed on whats coming on Tuesday! See you back in-game shortly!

The latest patch for Orcs Must Die! Unchained open beta is now LIVE! Start your OMDU dashboard and the patch will begin to download. This patch contains a huuuge amount of changes including the return of Bloodspike the brutal! You’ll be sure to want to catch up on the patch notes for this release. Here is a very quick summary:
- New Hero – Bloodspike. Great for Siege offensive play
- Completely redesigned crafting system!
- Survival mode has been completely re-balanced and fine tuned to feel more like classic OMD gameplay. Minions move faster and take more damage. There is also a brand new map too – Banquet Hall.
- Unchained Fortress has a number of changes including re-positioned war camps and boss changes.
- Surival traps now have 7 tiers of upgrades.
Watch live video from OrcsMustDie on www.twitch.tv
Crafting Changes
As part of the goal to simply crafting and the game meta following from fan feedback, the number of in-game materials has been reduced from around 20 to 10. This means some materials are being retired, but don’t worry – you’ll see these being returned to you in the form of other materials. The graphic below explains what will happen. (Click to enlarge).

Good news – patch 2.8 for Orcs Must Die! Unchained is now live! Commence your downloading and play this weekend to take part in the server stress test. If you play this weekend you will also be rewarded with this sweet classic Maximilian skin from his OMD1 days. All the more reason to play this weekend!

Orcs Must Die! Unchained will soon be getting its next closed beta patch. Bringing us up to version 2.8 this patch adds a brand new map for Survival gameplay – “Shark Island“. In addition to some changes with survival difficulty there have been coin adjustments on the survival maps with lower levels getting the most additional coin.
Improvements have been made to the new player experience which should help people get faster accustomed to the dashboard and game. In addition a whole bunch of UI improvements for the dashboard in this patch including the play screen and post-game screen. There is a new sound when games have been found by the matchmaker, plus the sound also plays when the window is minimised too – score!
Cygnus, Oziel and Zoey are getting some small changes this patch. For Cygnus, his Mana Sheild has been changed to provide up to 65% damage reduction at 75% mana. Previously, it provided up to 75% damage reduction at 50% mana. He also has a health boost from 100 to 130 initial hp. Oziel will no longer get rewarded in souls for allied player deaths. Zoey’s “Death and Chaos” Weaver upgrade will now only change schools of magic when a minion is killed by her primary attack, rather than on any use. Otherwise aside from Cygnus, all hero health has been reduced by 5% to make things seem more lethal.
For matchmaking there have been some changes to how this works. Principally higher tier players should no longer be matched with bots in most cases and the matchmaker will try to matchmake for longer as the acceptable MMR range grows over time before filling games with bots.
As always this is just a summary of the changes in this forthcoming patch (releasing Thursday!). Be sure to check out the full patch notes on the link below!

Great news to all closed beta players for OMDU the MEGA PATCH version 2.7 is out now in both EU and NA regions simultaneously. The download is a biggie so you will want to get it going as soon as possible so that you are ready to play. As a reminder there has been an account wipe with this patch so your progress will start again from the beginning. This is as result of the huge changes which almost make patch 2.7 feel like a completely new game.
Just a small selection of highlights from this new patch include:
- 3 (yes, three!) brand new PvE exclusive maps!
- A single player campaign mode for survival!
- You can now choose whether you want to play as an defensive or offensive role as a hero of your choice. Heroes no longer have fixed roles. A new role of “roamer” has also been introduced.
- Some heroes still may play better on one particular role than another and this will be indicated in the dashboard.
- Heroes now move faster.
- Account level is now the sum of your hero levels.
- All cards in the store can now be crafted.
- Bots will now attempt to capture neutral objectives.
- And of course some new traps and minions!
These are just scratching the surface. Check out the full patch notes to dig into the full details of all the changes, including designer notes from Doug Houserman. What are you waiting for? Start downloading! Whilst you wait you can also check out this weeks episode of Insider Access which also covered all the big changes in this patch.
Be sure also to tune into Meet Your Match on Friday at 6.30pm US Central time for streaming games with Nananea. It’ll be great to see you there!