Tag Archives: Playstation 4

Orcs Must Die! 3 – ‘Tipping the Scales’ DLC has landed!

The third DLC instalment for Orcs Must Die! 3 has now arrived. The new DLC introduces a brand new enemy race to the game not seen before in the series, the Tuatara. These are a unique race with new sneaky ranged and assassin units:

  • Tuatara Light – The foundation of the Tuatara army. They may be small, but with the Tuatara’s ability to withstand high damage attacks, you may need to rethink how you fight them.
  • Tuatara Heavy – The Heavy packs a punch and by punch I mean a big sword.
  • Tuatara Ranger – A sneaky ranged unit with deadly accuracy.
  • Tuatara Assassin – The Assassin is a player hunter. He brings a unique stealth ability and becomes nearly invisible as he approaches to attack you.
The new Oasis Outpost map

The new Oasis Outpost map

There are five brand new maps including one brand new War Scenario. The new maps feature a unique and stunning new desert theme.

Explore the Fortresses defending the Rifts on the world of the fierce Tuatara. Battle through the ornate and unforgiving Oasis Outpost, launch and gib lizards in the sinking Sand Sea Castle and join in the war against the Tuatara at the Desert Wall.

Brand new gear awaits also including a new awesome hand Gatling gun!


Check out the awesome new “Tipping the Scales” trailer below.


The DLC is available now on all consoles that OMD! 3 is available on, that’s Steam, Playstation 4, Playstation 5 via backwards compatibility, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. You can also find it on Stadia.

Orcs Must Die! 3 – ‘Cold as Eyes’ DLC is here

A brand new DLC pack is now available for Orcs Must Die! 3 –  Cold as Eyes. Things get frosty in this new DLC which sees three new ice themed maps that Warmages can battle on. New Cyclops enemies from medium, heavy to mages are now on the war path against war mages. To help take them down players can use new traps, trinkets and more. Including a sweet new flamethrower which can be seen in action on the trailer below.



Scramble mode also sees new buffs and debuffs to keep the excitement going even further.


The DLC is available now on all consoles that OMD! 3 is available on, that’s  Steam, Playstation 4, Playstation 5 via backwards compatibility, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. Download today!

Orcs Must Die! 3 has arrived on Steam and Consoles!

It’s finally here! Orcs Must Die! 3 the latest instalment of the Orcs Must Die! series is now available on Steam and Consoles (Xbox One and Series X /Playstation 4 and 5) following its exclusivity period on Stadia. 

Huge battles await with the new war scenarios and war machines. Take out Orcs like never before. Check it out today!

Launch Trailer


Orcs Must Die! 3 coming to Steam and Consoles!

Robot Entertainment has announced that Orcs Must Die! 3 which has so far been a Stadia exclusive – will now be coming to Steam and Consoles from later this year. The game will be coming to Steam, Playstation 4, Playstation 5 via backwards compatibility, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. The Orcs will be making their way to these consoles on July 23rd!

Players will now have a lot more options to play the latest instalment in the OMD! series. Check out the brand new trailer below!
