Tag Archives: Orcs Must Die! 3

Long time no see for some of our pals at Robot Entertainment. The studio has been hard at work on new games with not very much to share over recent months. However in support of Breast Cancer Awareness month, a bunch of Robot Entertainment devs are hitting Twitch for a six hour long live stream.
Be sure to tune in and catch up with the bots! There’s giveaways and charity tier goals planned where we can help show our support for Breast Cancer Awareness.
Tune in October 20th at 12PM CT / 10AM PT.

The third DLC instalment for Orcs Must Die! 3 has now arrived. The new DLC introduces a brand new enemy race to the game not seen before in the series, the Tuatara. These are a unique race with new sneaky ranged and assassin units:
- Tuatara Light – The foundation of the Tuatara army. They may be small, but with the Tuatara’s ability to withstand high damage attacks, you may need to rethink how you fight them.
- Tuatara Heavy – The Heavy packs a punch and by punch I mean a big sword.
- Tuatara Ranger – A sneaky ranged unit with deadly accuracy.
- Tuatara Assassin – The Assassin is a player hunter. He brings a unique stealth ability and becomes nearly invisible as he approaches to attack you.
There are five brand new maps including one brand new War Scenario. The new maps feature a unique and stunning new desert theme.
Explore the Fortresses defending the Rifts on the world of the fierce Tuatara. Battle through the ornate and unforgiving Oasis Outpost, launch and gib lizards in the sinking Sand Sea Castle and join in the war against the Tuatara at the Desert Wall.
Brand new gear awaits also including a new awesome hand Gatling gun!
Check out the awesome new “Tipping the Scales” trailer below.
The DLC is available now on all consoles that OMD! 3 is available on, that’s Steam, Playstation 4, Playstation 5 via backwards compatibility, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. You can also find it on Stadia.

A brand new DLC pack is now available for Orcs Must Die! 3 – Cold as Eyes. Things get frosty in this new DLC which sees three new ice themed maps that Warmages can battle on. New Cyclops enemies from medium, heavy to mages are now on the war path against war mages. To help take them down players can use new traps, trinkets and more. Including a sweet new flamethrower which can be seen in action on the trailer below.
Scramble mode also sees new buffs and debuffs to keep the excitement going even further.
The DLC is available now on all consoles that OMD! 3 is available on, that’s Steam, Playstation 4, Playstation 5 via backwards compatibility, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. Download today!

It’s finally here! Orcs Must Die! 3 the latest instalment of the Orcs Must Die! series is now available on Steam and Consoles (Xbox One and Series X /Playstation 4 and 5) following its exclusivity period on Stadia.
Huge battles await with the new war scenarios and war machines. Take out Orcs like never before. Check it out today!
Launch Trailer

Robot Entertainment has announced that Orcs Must Die! 3 which has so far been a Stadia exclusive – will now be coming to Steam and Consoles from later this year. The game will be coming to Steam, Playstation 4, Playstation 5 via backwards compatibility, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. The Orcs will be making their way to these consoles on July 23rd!
Players will now have a lot more options to play the latest instalment in the OMD! series. Check out the brand new trailer below!

Robot Entertainment has now released Orcs Must Die! 3 available on Stadia, it’s that time once again to unleash your rage against those pesky Orcs once more and now with Stadia you can do that in even bigger ways than ever before. Check out this awesome new launch trailer for the game.
OMD!3 is the biggest OMD game yet, controlling massive war machines taking on thousands of Orcs with biggest ever number of Orcs on screen at any one time. Classic OMD game play returns with a full story mode and Endless. Play right now on Stadia!
If you don’t have Stadia, signing up is easier than you might think. There is a free one month trial available and you can play Stadia on your PC or Laptop, and also your TV or mobile device. Find out more on the Stadia website.

Robot’s Lead Design Director, Jerome Jones has sat down to talk with The Gamer about Orcs Must Die! 3 which is still making good progress towards its launch this year despite the delays caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. The game is on track for release later this year as a timed exclusive on Stadia and then coming to other platforms a bit later after that.
So.. the question on many players might be why Stadia and what does it bring to the table? Also why might some of the problems that other games have faced might not be such a big issue OMD3? In essence they key benefit is the power of cloud computing and that now Robot will be able to greatly scale up the game. Think bigger levels, more minions, more physics. What this means in reality is that players will now be able to step more outside of the castles and place traps outdoors at much bigger scale.
“When first playing a war scenario in OMD! 3,” Jones said, “the army of orcs that comes at you is quite epic! It might even seem unwinnable.” Previously in the OMD! series, players would complete battles within the castle itself, but never had a chance to step outside. Now, the scope of the game will increase dramatically as you leave the castle, where OMD! 3‘s mousetrapping mechanics have been significantly enhanced, and battles will be bigger and more exciting than anything we’ve seen before.
Huge war machines can be set up by players taking out masses of Orcs at once. These will be some of the biggest offensive weapons in players armouries like never seen before, even in Unchained.
However does all this exciting new up scale come with a cost? What about things like lag? Jerome explains this should not be an issue with OMD3:
Stadia has found the most problems with first-person shooters, where an immediate response is expected to get the full effect of the gameplay. OMD! 3‘s tower defense-style of action isn’t as reliant on response time, and any lag that might be there is impossible to detect.
Check out the full article over at The Gamer to see more of Jerome’s thoughts on OMD3 and Stadia. Get excited for the biggest Orcs Must Die! yet, coming later this year!