Tag Archives: Streams

Catch up on the OMDU 24hr stream for brand new gameplay

Last week Robot Enterainment achieved its goal of raising over $2000 as part of the 24hr stream in support of Extra Life. Justin “SixOkay” Korthof and “Danger Mike” among other bots stuck with the community on Twitch throughout the duration. This special stream also featured over three hours of BRAND NEW gameplay footage of the upcoming new update for Orcs Must Die! Unchained.

We get a look at all the brand new maps, brand new prologue and the re-worked heroes for the refreshed survival mode. Not only that but we get to see a first look at some new concepts including unstable rifts where rifts appear suddenly on a map spawning minions if not destroyed in time. Plus the new weekly challenge where each week players get a new unique challenge where Robot sets the map, the loadout, the heroes and a special type of objective. Ideas such as defending wave after waves of Gatebreakers where the only way to gain money for traps is by picking up coin drops. Designer Doug “ShadeDev” Houserman was on-hand to give us some thoughts on the direction for weekly challenges, commenting that they will generally be puzzle based or changing the way people think, such as playing maps without being able to use any traps, or just 1 hp / rift point.

Next OMDU update features a new story prologue

The three hour stream also showed us that the in-game visuals have been improved and the physics has been ramped up a few notches. Heroes move faster and visual effects on traps and abilities are bigger and bolder. Speaking of heroes, be sure to check out the video footage below which shows a number of heroes in action, all with their new re-worked abilities. Wondering how Midnight has been tweaked for survival? Find out below! (Answer: she now has an awesome fast dash forward ability dealing damage).

Seeing is believing

Check out the video below to see all the sweet new OMDU content coming soon next month!

Extra Life donations still open!

If you have not yet donated to Extra Life and you would still like to get ahold of the exclusive Gabriella skin and support children’s hospitals, you still can! Just head over to the link below and donate $10 or more and you’ll receive a code for the skin when the next update lands.

Orcs Must Die! Unchained open beta will come to Steam!

Great news for Steam gamers this week as Robot Entertainment announces that following Orcs Must Die! 1 & 2 the new PvE and PvP Orcs Must Die! Unchained will also be coming to Steam! This has been much requested on the forums and Robot Entertainment will be delivering! The game will be available on Steam as soon as Open Beta starts.

This is such great news that to help celebrate Robot is also making OMD1 and OMD2 available at a huge 90% off on Steam. If you have any friends who haven’t yet checked out OMD – be sure to tell them!

There are also a ton of streams happening this week, so much so there is a new website ‘Orc Week’ to keep you up to date. Check out http://www.orcweek.com. We’ve got streams from the studio and the hosteses with the mostest – Nananea!

No ‘Orcs After Dark’ tonight (Thurs 28th Jan)

The bots at Robot Entertainment are so hard at work getting patch 2.7 they have announced that there won’t be an ‘Orcs After Dark’ stream today unfortunately.

The servers will be open as normal for closed beta testing from 6pm (US Central) tonight until Sunday at 10PM.

Stay tuned for patch 2.7 news over the next week or so!

New 2016 closed beta hours & stream times

2016 is in full swing and we now have new closed beta hours for both NA and EU OMDU closed beta servers.

North America

The servers will now be open all weekend starting from Thursday evening at 6pm CT up until 10PM CT on Sunday. Plenty of time to get some games in for both testing and fun!


In the EU the servers are open from Thursday evening through to Sunday evening as well. Thats Thursdays from 5 PM (CET) untill Sundays at midnight (CET).

Twitch Streams

Plenty of Twitch streams will be taking place including ‘Meet Your Match‘ every Friday with your hostess with the mostess Nananea playing OMDU with the community. Plus Robot Entertainment will be continuing the popular ‘Insider Access‘ which gives us exclusive interviews with Robot staff talking all about OMDU and more. ‘Orcs After Dark‘ is also back every other Thursday where players can join Robot Entertainment staff for an evening of play. Every other week Nananea will take us back to a blast from the past with OMD1 and 2 gameplay with ‘Throwback Thursday‘.

Here is a summary of the line-up:

Showing on OrcsMustDie.tv

Show Time
Tuesday – 3pm Central US
6:30pm – 8:30pm Central US
6:30pm – 8:30pm Central US


Showing on OrcsMustDieEU.tv

Gameforge Communications Manager FaTeReLLa is on hand throughout January with various streams. Here is the current line up:

Rimmon’s visit to Gameforge

If you happened to watch the Super Special Live Stream event on the Orcs Must Die! EU twitch channel which took place a few weeks ago, you would have seen a special guest! Indeed, Rimmon from the OMDU EU community made a guest appearance having been invited to Gameforge HQ for 3 days by FaTeReLLa to talk OMDU with the Gameforge team.

Rimmon has been a strong influencer in the OMDU EU community. We interviewed him earlier in the year as part of our Fan Friday series where he was working with Muchcoffee on Atypical Neurons, a fan site for OMDU bursting with detailed information about heroes, traps gear and minions.

Having been invited to Gameforge HQ Rimmon has taken to the forums to blog about his experience, which had quite an interesting start with trouble with cancelled flights. It was all worth it in the end though and Rimmon got a sneak peak of what is coming up for OMDU and patch 2.6 and beyond, as well as meeting and greeting the excellent Gameforge crew who look after the OMDU EU community. Rimmon had a great time playing plenty of games with the Gameforge team on and off stream and has left with an even greater positive vibe, writing on his report:

As I left Karlsruhe I did so with renewed motivation, and fresh ideas. I hope that I’ll stay with this community as it grows, and I will of course continue trying to support, and benefit you guys in some way. I’ve been trying out Guide Writing, Fan Site, Videos, and Streaming, in the end I’ll spend my time on what I enjoy the most, be sure that whatever I do I’ll find a way to contribute to the community.


Be sure to check out Rimmon’s full report over on the OMDU EU forums using the link below. You can also check out the stream from the special event below too.


This weeks OMDU streaming schedule

This week is a great week to tune in to OMDU on Twitch to soak up some of the new awesome phase 2 game play.

Remember here at REF we do the time-zone conversion for you so there is no need to miss out on a show. You can find all the details on our Twitch Stream page.

Robot talks OMDU Phase 2 with Insider Access

This week was the first of five big Insider Access twitch streams where we tune in to Robot staffers revealing some of the plans and details about Phase 2 of the Orcs Must Die! Unchained closed beta kicking off early next year.

In this weeks episode we learnt a number of things. Perhaps one of changes that will be sure to excite fans will be the return of the much missed trap – Barricades! Thats right, barricades will be coming back in phase 2. Robot have worked out all the niggles that have prevented them appearing so far. Barricades add a whole new layer of depth for defenders. Of course, barricades is just one example of the things being discussed on Insider Access. There was also discussion about trap caps, which will now be capped at the team level and not individually.

Be sure catch up on this weeks Insider Access with Justin Korthof and Ian Fischer to hear more about thats coming up in phase 2!

Watch live video from OrcsMustDie on Twitch

The next reveal will be December 16, 2014