New 2016 closed beta hours & stream times
Dean10 Jan 201681612016 is in full swing and we now have new closed beta hours for both NA and EU OMDU closed beta servers.
North America
The servers will now be open all weekend starting from Thursday evening at 6pm CT up until 10PM CT on Sunday. Plenty of time to get some games in for both testing and fun!
In the EU the servers are open from Thursday evening through to Sunday evening as well. Thats Thursdays from 5 PM (CET) untill Sundays at midnight (CET).
Twitch Streams
Plenty of Twitch streams will be taking place including ‘Meet Your Match‘ every Friday with your hostess with the mostess Nananea playing OMDU with the community. Plus Robot Entertainment will be continuing the popular ‘Insider Access‘ which gives us exclusive interviews with Robot staff talking all about OMDU and more. ‘Orcs After Dark‘ is also back every other Thursday where players can join Robot Entertainment staff for an evening of play. Every other week Nananea will take us back to a blast from the past with OMD1 and 2 gameplay with ‘Throwback Thursday‘.
Here is a summary of the line-up:
Showing on OrcsMustDie.tv
Show Time Tuesday – 3pm Central US 6:30pm – 8:30pm Central US 6:30pm – 8:30pm Central US Showing on OrcsMustDieEU.tv
Gameforge Communications Manager FaTeReLLa is on hand throughout January with various streams. Here is the current line up: